Free Wedding Dates 2025 / 2026


1. Photograph
The photographer (contractor) delivers the digitally revised photographs in the highest possible resolution in JPEG file format and without watermarks or similar. All data/photographs are handed over within 25 days after the wedding.

2. Rights of use
The bridal couple (client) may use and pass on the photos for private, non-commercial purposes. The written consent of the photographer is required for commercial use of the photos (e.g. advertising). The copyright remains with the photographer. The photographer may use the photos as reference shots for self-promotion.

3. Withdrawal and cancellation by the photographer (contractor) The photographer (contractor) can only withdraw from the contract in the event of force majeure (e.g. accident or illness). The contractor will do everything in his power to provide the bridal couple with an equivalent replacement. The wedding photographer will inform the client of the failure as soon as possible. In the event of force majeure, the bridal couple (client) waives claims for damages or the assignment of any additional costs to the photographer. Any down payment already received will be refunded by the photographer (contractor) Withdrawal and cancellation by the bridal couple (client) The client is informed that photos and photographic work are subject to the photographer’s artistic scope. Subsequent complaints are therefore excluded. Subsequent changes are to be remunerated separately. If the wedding cannot take place due to force majeure, the photographer (contractor) waives payment of the agreed fee. A deposit already paid will not be refunded. Cancellation for other reasons is possible under the following conditions: Up to 90 days before the wedding date, a cancellation fee i. hv 50% of the order value, calculated. Up to 180 days before the wedding date, a cancellation fee i. hv 35% of the order value, calculated.

4. Liability
The bridal couple (client) is solely liable for personal injury and damage to property during the wedding, unless the damage is caused by grossly negligent or intentional behavior on the part of the photographer . The bridal couple (client) is liable for damage to the photographer’s equipment caused by guests before, after or during the event.

5. Written form
Changes and additions to this contract must be in writing. Should any of the above provisions be wholly or partially void, the remainder of the agreement shall remain in effect. In place of the ineffective provision, either the statutory provision or – in the absence of such a provision – a provision that the parties would have made in good faith if they had been aware of the invalidity.